What does a girl have to do to keep a blog going?


It seems my efforts in trying to keep up with posting have failed me! ugh! BUT there are some new and exciting projects that I think will help me show some love for my blog. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with both of these projects in the next month or two!

My first project is a collaborative design challenge: A State of Design. Three girls and 50 states. The three of us will be designing a postcard for every state, every day. We each have a different category: food, animals and insects.

The second project just came recently to me (as recent as 10 minutes ago!). A high school friend started doing "The Happiness Experiment." She captured every happy moment every day for a month and gave it a rating from 1-10. It's a good way to appreciate the good times and to not take every moment for granted. Check her out!

Stay tuned folks!